Do you have a civil matter that you need help with, but balk at the thought of the exorbitant amount of fees some attorneys charge to take on a case? Do you think the matter is close to settlement, but the other parties need a push in that direction? Consider requesting the knowledgeable attorneys at Fazli & Associates to write a letter on your behalf. The pen is, after all, mightier than the sword. A pen in the hand of an attorney can be that much more powerful.
While we are unable to guarantee results, we can commit to writing a persuasive, well-executed letter on your behalf. The letter will be crafted to highlight the most persuasive aspects surrounding your unique circumstances. Properly employing an attorney-written lawyer as a well-organized tool of communication can be just the nudge another party needs to resolve or settle an issue.
We are happy to help draft a professional letter on your behalf including:
· Cease and desist letters
· Letters regarding breach of contract
· Letters to businesses
· Letters to financial institutions
· Letters resolving property disputes
· Letters to landlords
· Letters to tenants
· Letters addressing legal issues
A clearly written, focused letter created by an attorney can be just what you need to quickly, and simply, resolve an issue before it drags on indefinitely or devolves into much more unproductive circumstances.
At Fazli & Associates, we use our extensive legal background and history of working with a range of opposing parties to seek resolution of legal issues as we write letters for our clients seeking simple solutions to a variety of legal matters. If you have a situation where you believe a strong letter from an attorney would be just the push in the right direction, please contact our office today.